Liturgical Ministries

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Eucharistic Minister:

Please remember that all eyes are on the Altar and most of the congregation watches what you do. Please be reverent of the Blessed Sacrament at ALL TIMES. When you walk in front of the tabernacle at any time, acknowledge Jesus in the Tabernacle by bowing. Please be reverent at all times. 

Before Mass

Two people can do the setup. One should check the schedule for other names and get subs for those who do not show up. If Deacon Mike is assisting, the last person on the list should drop off. If you are subbing, let other ministers know and if your name is not on the list, please place it on there.

  1. Check the tabernacle to see the number of Blessed Hosts present. (Key is found in the center cabinet. There should be a small bowl with some from the previous masses. If not, look in the Ciborium for any that might be present. This will determine the amount you will put in the large bowl to be brought up during the offertory.
  2. In the sacristy: Get the tray and put the following items on the tray:
    1. Purificators are in a drawer marked as such in the upper cabinet to the left. You will only need one for Father at this time.
    2. The middle cabinet will contain the bowls, cups, and chalices. Take one of the large chalices and place it on the tray. Take Father’s chalice and place it on the tray as well. Take the two/three bowls and place them on the table in the sanctuary.
    3. Open wine bottles can be found in the cabinet to the right. If there are no open bottles or you need more, the bottles are in the server’s sacristy. You will fill Father’s cruet slightly as he does not take much.
    4. Bread is in the top right-hand drawer or wood cabinet on the floor. Fill the large bowl with the estimated amount of bread needed and place the large host on top. The large host can be found in the metal container in the drawer.
    5. Fill the smallest cruet with water and place it on the tray. These cruets can be found in the same cabinet as the wine, to the right.
    6. Prepare a small water pitcher, bowl, and towel and place it on the credence table.
    7. Both Wine Cruet & Large Bowl are to be taken to the back of the church and placed on the table in the center aisle.
    8. Hopefully, you will be able to sit close to the front of the church and at the same time being able to join your family members. If you are seated at the back of church then you will need to begin coming forward as soon as Father takes the host.

During Mass

Come to the altar as soon as Father takes the wine; gather in horse-shoe formation close to the altar.

  1. If the choir is present, two ministers from the choir will gather at the same time to receive communion.
  2. Communion will then be given to you in the hand or tongue and the cup will be offered as well. Those four ministers that receive the cups turn to offer to other ministers and servers, then Father will assign where he wants each of the ministers to go. If the Deacon is present, he will take one of the cups.  Please stand with cups close to the right side wall and left-hand entrance and against the front pews with appropriate space from the host minister. Those with hosts go to two front pews, distributing down the row, and then remain standing about 4 feet from the middle aisle. The remaining host ministers distribute from either side of the altar and then to the front of the altar in the main aisle.
  3. If one runs out of the host, go to Father or from the Deacon who is closest.
  4. After distributing hosts, give the bowl with remaining hosts to Father.
  5. Return immediately to pews.
  6. After Mass, take the tray with bowls, cups, and cruet to the sacristy. Wash cruet (no soap), bowls, and cups well and dry with the large towels from the bottom drawer of the cabinet. Return bowls and cups to the cabinet. If you are serving at the 8:00 am mass, then you can leave them on the tray for the following mass.

 If you have questions about what to do, ask another minister.

Taken from the “2010, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

As the Agnus Dei or Lamb of God is begun, the Bishop or priest alone, or with the assistance of the deacon, and if necessary of concelebrating priests, breaks the Eucharistic bread. Other empty ciboria or patens are then brought to the altar is this is necessary. The deacon or priest places the consecrated bread in several ciboria or patens, if necessary, as required for the distribution of Holy Communion. If it is not possible to accomplish this distribution in a reasonable time, the celebrant may call upon the assistance of other deacons or concelebrating priests.

If extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion are required by pastoral need, they should not approach the altar before the priest has received Communion. After the priest has concluded his own Communion, he distributes Communion to the extraordinary ministers, assisted by the deacon, and then hands the sacred vessels to them for distribution of Holy Communion to the people.

All receive Holy Communion in the manner described by the General Instruction to the Roman Missal, whether priest concelebrants (cf. GIRM, nos. 159, 242, 243, 246), deacons (cf. GIRM, nos. 182, 244, 246), or Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (cf. GIRM, no. 284). Neither deacons nor lay ministers may ever receive Holy Communion in the manner of a concelebrating priest. The practice of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion waiting to receive Holy Communion until after the distribution of Holy Communion is not in accord with liturgical law. (NDRHC, 39; GIRM, 160).

After all Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion have received the Eucharist, the bishop or priest celebrant reverently hands vessels containing the Body or the Blood of the Lord to the deacons or extraordinary ministers who will assist with the distribution of Holy Communion. The deacon may assist the priest in handing the vessels containing the Body and Blood of the Lord to the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. (NDRHC, 40).

The proper and only permissible form for distributing Holy Communion is to offer the consecrated bread by saying, “The Body of Christ” and to offer the consecrated wine by saying, “The Blood of Christ.” No other words or names should be added, and the formula should not be edited in any way. (Cf. GIRM, 161; 284-287).

If the Eucharistic bread or some particle of it falls, it should be picked up reverently by the minister. The consecrated bread may be consumed or completely dissolved in water before being poured down the sacrarium.

Should there be any mishap, for example, if the consecrated wine is spilled from the chalice, the area should be washed and the water poured into the sacrarium.

In those instances when there remains more consecrated wine than was necessary, if needs dictate, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion may consume what remains of the Precious Blood from their cup of distribution with the permission of the diocesan bishop. The sacred vessels are to be purified by the priest, the deacon, or an instituted acolyte. The amount of wine to be consecrated should be carefully measured before the celebration so that none remains afterward. It is strictly forbidden to pour the Precious Blood into the ground or into the sacrarium. (NDRHC, 51-55).

Similarly, “consecrated hosts are to be reserved in a ciborium or vessel in sufficient quantity for the needs of the faithful; they are to be frequently renewed and the old hosts properly consumed” (Code of Canon Law, no. 939). Burying hosts or consecrated Eucharistic bread is strictly forbidden.


Before Mass

Please arrive at least 15 – 20 minutes before Mass. Check to see if power to the microphone is on and if not, check with Father.  Put Readings on the lectern. Use Book of the Gospels for the procession and go to the back of the church,* leaving the sacristy available for other ministers to prepare.
Process in directly behind the servers; hold the book up to-but not above-eye level. At the foot of the altar, step to the left side and bow when the presider bows. Go place the Book of the Gospels on the center of the altar from the backside of the altar. Proceed to the lectern and stand to wait, facing the presider.
After the opening prayer, wait until everyone is seated and then begin the first reading. Introduce the reading using only the bold print intro, without adding, the first reading is…’ After the 1st reading, step back, and be seated by the chair closest to the sacristy door while the psalm is sung. (If there is no cantor, pause and then read the responsorial psalm). When the cantor is finished, pause, then read the second reading. After the second reading, put the readings on the shelf inside the lectern, after pausing for a few seconds, and go to your seat.
After Mass, please take readings back to the sacristy. 

During Mass

At the time that Mass is scheduled to begin, go to the lectern and read the Call to Worship and possibly announcements, and return to your seat.
Toward the end of the Creed, usually, when “one, holy, catholic….” is said, go back to the lectern; after the presider’s introduction or by some nod or cue, read the intercessions. (On occasion, the Creed is omitted and the intercessions are read sooner, on cue from the presider.)
After the presider concludes with a prayer, go back to the seat.
After Mass, please take readings back to the sacristy.
*Unless the Deacon is assisting.
**When the Deacon is present, the first lector on the schedule reads the first reading; the second lector does the call to worship and the second reading.

Altar Server:

Please remember that all eyes are on the Altar and most of the congregation watches what you do. Please be reverent of the Blessed Sacrament at ALL TIMES. When you walk in front of the tabernacle at any time, acknowledge Jesus in the Tabernacle by bowing. Please be reverent at all times. 

Before Mass

Please arrive at least 15-20 minutes before Mass.

+Before Mass – use Holy Water for the sign of the cross as entering the church; genuflect as you come to the Tabernacle on the way to the Sacristy.

–          Put on Alb and Cincture, or cassock and surplice (if only boys serving)

–          Light Candles

–          Decide with each other who is carrying the cross and who is assisting setting the altar.

When one of the Deacon Mikes is serving, ask him about any changes in duties.

During Mass

During Mass

+Procession (except for Advent & Lent) Hands are folded whenever moving about church.

–          Cross bearer leads other servers to back of church using side aisle, carrying the cross upright.

–          The servers follow the cross-bearer who leads and stops directly centered in front of the altar, then head bows.

–          Other servers bow together, and go directly to the server’s pew.

–          Cross bearer then goes up steps and then right toward the Sacristy to place the cross on the stand, and then goes to join other servers standing at servers’ pew.

+Opening Prayer

–          At certain times, the Priest may want the server to hold the Sacramentary at the very beginning of Mass (Let Us Pray).

+Collection/Preparation of the Gifts

–          When the collection begins, servers go to the creedence table and carry the tray to the altar.  The Deacon or Priest will remove items from the tray and set the altar.  The servers may now be seated.

–          When the collection is finished all servers meet the Priest down on the floor level in front of the altar.

–          Server receiving the basket places it in front of the altar.

–          IF Father hands a Server the wine, place it on the right-hand side of the corporal (from the priest’s side).  The server remains to assist father washing his hands by taking the bowl, towel, and water in hand. When finished, Bow to Father.

–         Afterward, return to stand at the servers’ pew until the congregation kneels, then kneel at the pew.

 +Lord’s Prayer – Our Father…

–          When all stand for the Our Father, stand at your pew with hands folded in prayer.

 +Sign of Peace

–          Give a sign of Peace to Priest and each other.


Right after the Priest consumes the host and drinks from the chalice, come to the center of the altar and stand with the other ministers to receive Holy Communion. Remember to bow slightly before taking Communion.

+After Communion

–          After taking Communion, wait until Communion ministers go to give Communion, then return to your pew and sit.

+Final Prayer

At times, the priest may need the Sacramentary held for the Final Blessing.


–          At “Let us pray…” the cross-bearer gets the cross, waits in sacristy doorway until closing song begins, and then goes to floor in front of altar and faces altar until the priest joins servers and bows; cross-bearer then leads procession out and when back of church is reached continue down the side aisle back to sacristy.

After Mass

After Mass

–          Extinguish candles.

–          Take Alb off only after duties are completed.

–          Hang up Alb and cincture.


Before Mass

Arrive at Church 20-30 minutes before Mass.

At this time, the bulletins and the collection baskets are on the entrance tables.

Greet people with a handshake and a Good Evening/Good Morning or possibly a Welcome if they are obviously visitors.

If people are standing in the back of the church, ask if they would like to be seated and seat them. You may look for available seats and invite people forward during the opening song.

During Mass

(After Mass begins, wait until the Alleluia verse to seat others.) Collection is on hold at this time. 

Toward the end of the Creed, proceed to the front of the church, and be ready to pick up the collection basket from in front of the first pews. The two in the middle aisle will begin with side-wing pews. The outside users will begin with collecting from the front side pews.

After placing the offering into the one basket at the back of the church, proceed with the basket, wine, and bread and give to presider** in that order.

Bow and return to your seats by way of the side aisles.

At the end of Mass, DISTRIBUTE bulletins to individuals as they leave Church. (At the side door, it will help if one stands by end of the front pew handing out toward the side aisle; the other stands at end of the last pew of the side wing right by the door.

After Mass

After Mass, straighten up pews and the books in the pews. Clean up any trash.

Fire extinguishers are in the back of the church and in the sacristy.

Terrorism: If someone’s appearance or behavior causes you concern and it is before or after mass, please alert Father. If it is during Mass, alert a police officer if they are present or another suitable person to monitor their behavior. If there is an act of aggression please yell out and immediately call 911.

Bad Weather: If there is bad weather during Mass Father Chris will give instructions. The safest place during bad weather is in the church. If the electricity goes out and it is too dark to see, Father Chris will give directions for people to remain seated until lights are restored or candles can be lit.

Counting money and Information for making bank deposits:

  • Two of four of the greeters will need to count money
  • Supplies can be found in the top drawer of the cabinet in the sacristy.
  • Count the cash- please list the amounts for each denomination and then total. Please put the paper around the money with a rubber band.
  • Separate the green and yellow envelopes and place a rubber band around them.
  • Put a rubber band around loose checks and put it with any special envelopes
  • Special Collections should be put in plastic deposit bags and marked accordingly
  • Put everything in the red deposit bags, lock the bag with a marked key,  and take it to German American bank located at Main and Walnut with the night deposit.
  • Use the key to unlock, pull open, and put the bag in the box. Open again to make sure it is empty. Close it and lock
  • Bring the deposit key back to the parish and put it in the sacristy drawer.

Special collections should be put in plastic deposit bags and marked accordingly and put these in the red bags when you make your deposit.