To become a member of Prince of Peace Parish, please click on the button or the picture of our church and it will direct you to the registration form.
If you are interested in having your child baptized, please contact Mary Ellen Minnick at meminnick@popeace.org.

Si desea bautizar a su hijo, comuníquese con Shirley Kloepfer al 812-493-5062 o envíe un correo electrónico a kloepfershirley@gmail.com or Mary Ellen Minnick meminnick@popeace.org
Click the picture to access the form or button below. Please email or bring the form to the Parish Office as soon as possible. The 2026 Confirmation will take place at St. Bartholomew Catholic Church in May of 2026. Classes begin on Oct. of 2025. Please contact Mary Ellen Minnick @ meminnick@popeac.org.

If you would like to have something submitted to the bulletin, please click the button or the Prince of Peace logo. Submission must be given 14 days prior to the weekend you would like it published.
Ever thought about volunteering or joining a ministry? Click the button below or the picture to the right.