Author: MaryRose Carlow

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The Knights information can be found under the ministry section of the website.

Knight meet every second Tuesday of the month at the Nor Rose Lodge.

Rosary begins at 6:30pm with the meeting @ 7:00 pm

Wednesdays from 1:00 PM – 7:00 PM

First Fridays from following 7 AM Mass until 9 AM Adoration will last two hours with Benediction at 9:00 AM

It has information on how YOUR donations are implemented. Please consider giving. You can do it right from the website.


​Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As we enthusiastically launch the 2024 United Catholic Appeal (UCA), it is with deep gratitude and a joyful heart that I thank you for your unselfish generosity. Your financial support for the pastoral, charitable and diocesan ministries of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis is a bold example of how we are United in the Eucharist. Through the stewarding and sharing of your treasure, you are magnifying the impact we can have in central and southern Indiana, and beyond.

In a time of many challenges and difficulties, the call to help bring the people of our archdiocese closer to Jesus Christ through our many ministries and programs grows louder every day. And to answer that call, we need your support.  Our goal for the 2024 United Catholic Appeal is $6.3 million. The needs for each of the ministries mentioned in this case statement are what make up our goal amount each year. We are fortunate that 100% of gifts to the United Catholic Appeal go straight to ministry. Whether you give $5 a month or $500 a month, your gift will make a lasting impact on someone’s life. 

Thank you again for your generosity and support. Without donors like you, so many would not have the ability to know, love, and serve the Lord. May the grace of God make us truly one in Him, United in the Eucharist.

With the assurance of my prayers and best wishes for you, I remain

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Archbishop, Archdiocese of Indianapolis

Ladies of Prince of Peace…Did you know that you are a member of the Ladies’ Organization? This organization has many essential ministries but the most vital is the funeral dinners we provide for grieving families. Our next meeting will be announced in the bulletin and here on the website.

Our next meeting is on Tuesday, Sept 3rd, 2024, at 6:00 PM. We will announce the location closer to the date. In the event of a cancelation, please download the Evangelus App or myParish App for updated information. We will be discussing the Chautauqua Bake Sale, our largest fundraiser. We need volunteers.

Please consider joining us for fellowship and a meal. Bring a friend! We need new ideas, new spirits, and new faces…YOURS.

The ladies held their annual Cookies for Christmas fundraiser on Sunday, Dec. 17th. A special thanks to Amy Schafer for her leadership and to the ladies of the parish for providing lots of delicious cookies and treats. Fun was had by all.

Shawe Seniors Zachary Gish and Kira Wells gave a great presentation at Jewell Place Assisted Living facility in Madison. 
         These two students interviewed a resident of Jewell Place, Lt. Colonel Glen Fisher, and put together a presentation for him on his 98th birthday! 
         Lt. Colonel Fisher is a World War 2 veteran who has many military accomplishments.  These students set up an interview, with the help of the Prince of Peace Ladies Organization, with Mr. Fisher where they asked him many questions about his life and his military background.
         They then put together a slide show presentation and presented it to many residents and staff members at Jewell Place, along with the members of the Prince of Peace Ladies Organization.  During their presentation, Mr. Fisher was presented with a plaque to honor his service and accomplishments as a cake to celebrate his birthday.  A job well done by Zachary and Kira!

2024 Tickets are on sale now!

The first drawing was held in January 2024

Tickets are at the entrances of the church and the parish office. Just place your ticket and money in an envelope and place them in the collection basket, mail it, or drop it by the parish office. 305 West State St. If we do not sell 500 tickets the prizes will be prorated.

1st prize is $200, 2nd Prize is $100 and 3rd $50. See the winners: Home page, About us, 500 Club

We thank you for your support.

If you missed the Eucharistic Revival you will be able to watch and hear the speeches.

They are very inspirational.

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