Eucharistic Revival

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Letter from Father Chris

Dear Parishioners,

As we continue this year of Eucharistic Revival, we would like to invite you to grow closer to Jesus alongside fellow parishioners through the Jesus and the Eucharist study. This study was specifically designed for this Year of Parish Revival, and we will be joining many other parishes throughout the United States in participating in this small group study as we journey together through this three-year National Eucharistic Revival.

Each session is full of rich theological content, powerful testimonies, and unique and timely messages from individual bishops across the country. This is a great opportunity to dive more deeply into the richness of our Eucharistic faith.

This study will be a special time to grow in community within our parish as we walk this sacred year together, and we desire you to join us.

Please join us every Tuesday evening. We began on January 23rd but you can come any Tuesday. The final presentation will take place on March 4th. We will celebrate 5:30 Mass at Prince of Peace and begin immediately following Mass. Each program lasts approximately 2 hours. The video has two sections with discussions. Handouts will be made available, however you will need to bring a writing instrument. If you would like to bring a pillow for your back or sitting, please do. We want you to be as comfortable as possible. If you are unable to make it, but would like to participate, weekly Bible Study will be participating as well. These sessions will take place each Wednesday, January 24–March 5th, from 9:30-11:30 AM. Call the parish office for the location. You may also go to the Eucharistic Revival website and watch them from there,

It is my hope you will prayerfully consider attending. 

Yours in Christ,

Father Chris

SAVE the DATE: April 13th, 2024 for a one-day retreat using Bishop Barron materials on the Eucharist. Details will be announced at a later date. Please contact the office if you think you would like to attend so that we can get an idea about donuts, drinks, snacks etc.

Please join our Prince of Peace, the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, and the world as we celebrate a Eucharistic Revival. This began in the summer of 2022 and concluded in 2025.

More information can be found under the heading Faith Formation at the top of the page.

Prayer for Eucharistic Revival
Archdiocese of Indianapolis

Lord Jesus Christ,
In our pride…humble us
In our greed…free us
In our lust…fulfill us
In our envy…satisfy us
In our gluttony…feed us
In our wrath…release us
In our sloth…invigorate us
In our stubbornness…soften us
In our apathy…love us 
In our lukewarmness…impassion us 
In our neglect…turn toward us
In our deafness…call us
In our drifting…lead us
In our doubt…assure us
In our grief…infill us
In our sickness…heal us
In our frailty…strengthen us
In our darkness…find us
In our fear…encourage us
In our temptation…guard us
In our poverty…raise us
In our loneliness…befriend us
In our exhaustion…carry us
In our work…fashion us
In our sacrifice…renew us
In our pain…comfort us
Throughout our lives…animate us
When we sin…forgive us
When weakness conquers…overwhelm us
Through your death…perfect us
At our death…revive us into eternal life

Let us Pray
God our Father, it is through the perfect sacrifice of your Son that you offer to all abundance of new life in this present age.  We pray that where we experience loss in the life of Grace, you would pour out upon our Archdiocese the saving gifts conveyed through the most holy Body and Blood of your Son.  May His Eucharistic life consume us all and revive each of us into His one body and singular mission, welling up to eternal life.  We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and Holy Spirit, God forever and ever. Amen.