Server Registration

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Server Sign-Up

If your child is interested in becoming a server for Prince of Peace, please fill out the following form and submit. This is a commitment not only for the child but also for the parent. Once you have submitted your registration, the parish office will enter information into Ministry Pro. You will be given a user name and password. This will be sent to you. It is suggested that Ministry Pro App be downloaded as this is easy access to your upcoming schedule. If at any time, your server sees that we are lacking servers at Mass, they are more than welcome to volunteer. This is welcomed. If at anytime you are not able to serve, it is suggested that you go to Ministry Pro and ask for a sub. If you know of dates that your server is unable to serve, please indicate this in your servers profile. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact Deacon Mike Boggs, Deacon Mike Gardner or the parish office.

Name of Server(Required)
I would be willing to serve at the following times. I understand that I must be there 15 min prior to Mass.(Required)
You will be notified through email or text message when you have been assigned to serve. Which do you prefer or both.(Required)