Ladies of Prince of Peace…Did you know that you are a member of the Ladies’ Organization? This organization has many essential ministries but the most vital is the funeral dinners we provide for grieving families. Our next meeting will be announced in the bulletin and here on the website. Our next meeting is on Tuesday, March 4, 2025 at 6:00 PM. Nor Rose Lodge. In the event of a cancelation, please download the Evangelus App or myParish App for updated information. Please consider joining us for fellowship and a meal. Bring a friend! We need new ideas, new spirits, and new faces…YOURS. |
This year’s Cookies for Christmas was a huge success. It could not have happened without the leadership of our chairwoman, Amy Stuart the helpers, the bakers, the set up and tear down crews and of course the buyers. THANK YOU!

2024 Annual Chautauqua Bake Sale was rained out…however it was moved to the back of Prince of Peace and it was a huge SUCCESS! Many thanks to all who helped make it that way. A special thanks to our Chairman Cathy Fox, the ladies who worked the tables and those that baked!

The ladies held their annual Cookies for Christmas fundraiser on Sunday, Dec. 17, 2023. A special thanks to Amy Schafer for her leadership and to the ladies of the parish for providing lots of delicious cookies and treats. Fun was had by all. The 2024 Cookies for Christmas is scheduled for Dec. 15th at Pope John Elementary.

Shawe Seniors Zachary Gish and Kira Wells gave a great presentation at Jewell Place Assisted Living facility in Madison.
These two students interviewed a resident of Jewell Place, Lt. Colonel Glen Fisher, and put together a presentation for him on his 98th birthday!
Lt. Colonel Fisher is a World War 2 veteran who has many military accomplishments. These students set up an interview, with the help of the Prince of Peace Ladies Organization, with Mr. Fisher where they asked him many questions about his life and his military background.
They then put together a slide show presentation and presented it to many residents and staff members at Jewell Place, along with the members of the Prince of Peace Ladies Organization. During their presentation, Mr. Fisher was presented with a plaque to honor his service and accomplishments as a cake to celebrate his birthday. A job well done by Zachary and Kira!