Ladies Organization

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       The Prince of Peace Ladies’ Organization membership is comprised of all women of the parish over the age of 18. Each year the Ladies have two major fund raisers. The first is the Annual Chautauqua Bake Sale chaired by Cathy Fox. The second is the Annual Cookies for Christmas chaired by Amy Stuart. These fund raisers allow the Ladies to provide funeral luncheon dinners for the grieving of our parishioners. If you have ever been on the receiving end of one of these dinners, you know how special it is; comforting to know that your family and friends are able to sit down for a home cooked dinner without the worry of preparation.

The Ladies usually meet on the first Tuesday during the months of September, October, December, February, March, and May. Their biggest fundraisers are a bake sale during the Chautauqua Festival of the Arts on the last full weekend of September and the Cookies for Christmas in December. 

The Ladies’ Organization currently has five funeral committees. They serve on a rotating basis. We are currently in the process of updating our lists.

If you would like to be included in the funeral dinner ministry please call the community center or email Sharon Schafer at

She will then assign you to a group.

Our next meeting will take place on Tuesday, March 4, beginning at 6:00 pm. We will meet at the Nor Rose Lodge, Lanier Dr. Madison.

Please consider joining us.

Bring a friend! We need new ideas, new spirits, and new faces…YOURS.

We would love your input and are always welcoming new ideas and fellowship.  

Please go to Latest News on the home page to see Ladies latest!

This year’s Cookies for Christmas was a huge success. It could not have happened without the leadership of our chairwoman, Amy Stuart the helpers, the bakers, the set up and tear down crews and of course the buyers. THANK YOU!       The Ladies’ Organization is more than just fund raising, it is a time (6 times a year) to get together with other ladies for fellowship and friendship. We do have a meeting (some longer than others), but most importantly we spend time together over a meal catching up on the lives of our fellow parishioners. The Ladies next meeting is Tuesday, Feb. 4th, 6:00 pm @ Nor Rose Lodge.  If you are a lady of the parish and have not attended one of these meetings, please consider it. We can always use new ideas. We love seeing new faces at our gatherings. If you have any questions, please feel free to call or email: President Yvonne Stika 812-493-2980, Treasurer Kathy Ayers 812-701-0127, or Secretary Sharon Schafer 812-701-9748

Chautauqua 2024

Many thanks to all those who donated and bought baked goods at our largest fundraiser.

What do you do when your bake sale gets rained out? You move it inside the church. We cannot thank everyone enough.