OCIA – Becoming Catholic

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Curious About our Catholic Faith?

Interested in learning more about our Roman Catholic faith?  Ever thought about becoming Catholic?  Wonder what the steps are to becoming a Catholic?  Then OCIA may be right for you!  The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process by which adults come into full communion with the Catholic Church.   Please contact Deacon Mike Boggs @ 812-265-4166 Ext 240 or deaconboggs@popeace.org

What does the white robe symbolize?

The newly baptized are dressed in a white garment after baptism to symbolize that they are washed clean of sin and that they are called to continue to walk in this newness of life.

What does the candle symbolize?

A small candle is lit from the Easter candle and given to the newly baptized as a reminder to them always to walk as children of the Light and to be the light of Christ to the world.

What does the Sacred Chrism symbolize?

The Sacred Chrism, or oil, is a sign of the gift of the Holy Spirit being given to the newly baptized. It is also a sign of the close link between the mission of Jesus and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, who comes to the recipient with the Father in Baptism

Why was this ancient rite restored?

It was restored in the Church to highlight the fact that the newly baptized are received into a community of faith, which is challenged to realize that they too have become different because of this new life in the community.

Is there a ceremony or preparation for Catholics who never or seldom have practiced the faith?

For Catholics who have been Baptized, Confirmed and made First Communion but then drifted from the faith, the way they return is through the Sacrament of Penance. Catholics who were baptized but never received Confirmation and/or Eucharist also participate in a period of formation. This process of formation is completed with the reception of the Sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Communion often at the Easter Vigil or during the Easter Season.

What is the role of a godparent for an adult being baptized?

Prior to the Rite of Election, the catechumen may choose one or two godparents, who will accompany the Catechumen on the day of Election, at the celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation, and during the Period of Mystagogy. They are called to show the Catechumens good example of the Christian life, sustain them in moments of hesitancy and anxiety, bear witness, and guide their progress in the baptismal life.

RCIA Calender Unofficial 2024-25

Date Subject Presenter Notes
9/4/24 CH 1 My Soul Longs for You, O God

CH 2 God Comes to Meet Us

Deacon Mike The Creed – Faith Professed
9/11/24 CH 3 Proclaim the Gospel to Every Creature

CH 4 Bring about the Obedience of Faith

Deacon Mike
9/18/24 CH 5 I Believe in God

CH 6 Man and Woman in the Beginning

Deacon Mike
9/25/24 CH 7 The Good News: God Has Sent His Son

CH 8 The Saving Death and Resurrection of Christ

Fr. Chris Paschal Mysteries
10/2/24 CH 9 Receive the Holy Spirit

CH 10 The Church: Reflecting the Light of Christ

Deacon Mike
10/09/24 CH 13 Our Eternal Destiny

Liturgical Year/Advent practices

Deacon Mike
10/18/24 No Session – Fall Break
10/23/24 CH 11 The Four Marks of the Church Fr. Chris
The Sacraments: The Faith Celebrated
11/6/24 CH 12 Mary: The Church’s First and Most Perfect Member Bridget Fry Prayer in our Lives
11/13/24 CH 15 Baptism: Becoming a Christian

CH 16 Confirmation: Consecrated for Mission

Fr. Chris Sacraments of Initiation
11/20/24 No Session – Thanksgiving Break
11/27/24 CH 17 The Eucharist: Source and Summit of the Christian Life Bridget Fry Sacraments of Initiation
12/1/24 First Sunday of Advent
12/5/24 CH 18 Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation

CH 19 Anointing of the Sick

Fr. Chris Sacraments of Healing
Christian Morality: The Faith Lived
12/8/24 Immaculate Conception
12/11/24 CH 20 Holy Orders

CH 21 Sacrament of Marriage

Deacon Mike Sacraments of Vocation & Service
12/18/24 CH 23 Life in Christ – Part One

CH 24 Life in Christ – Part Two

Deacon Mike
12/25/24 Christmas: Christmas Break
1/3/25 No Session – Christmas Break
1/8/25 CH 25 The First Commandment

CH 26 The Second Commandment

CH 27 The Third Commandment

Deacon Mike Worship
1/15/25 CH 29 The Fifth Commandment Deacon Mike
1/22/25 CH 28 The Fourth Commandment

CH 30 The Sixth Commandment

CH 33 The Ninth Commandment

Bridget Fry Family
1/28/25 CH 31 The Seventh Commandment

CH 32 The Eighth Commandment

CH 34 The Tenth Commandment

Deacon Mike How we treat our Neighbors
2/5/25 Lenten Practices Fr. Chris
3/5/2025 ASH Wednesday
No Session
Reconciliation Service ***** Prince of Peace 6:00p – 8:00p
4/9/25 Vigil Mass Explanation & Walk-Through Fr. Chris Meet at Prince of Peace
4/17/25 Holy Thursday
4/18/25 Good Friday
4/19/25 Easter Vigil Mass 8:00 PM – Prince of Peace
4/20/25 Easter Sunday